Saturday 20 November 2021

East Meets West | Meg Tsai

"Remember the sun touches the East before it can reach the West...."

In sociology, the East–West dichotomy is the perceived difference between the Eastern and the Western worlds. Cultural and religious rather than geographical in division, the boundaries of East and West are not fixed, but vary according to Meg Tsai shows us so well.

To underscore this concept, a photographic project was born. With the involvement of Meg Tsai, two photo sessions took place in the heart of Manhattan's Chinatown and in SoHo, the center for high-end boutiques and fashion. Urban street wear for the former and the traditional qi pao (or cheongsam) for the mix-up the so-called boundaries between East and West.

And East Meets West is also on Exposure....larger sized photographs.

east meets west by Tewfic El-Sawy on Exposure

KUNCHOK | In Fuchsia

I photographed Kunchok (कुनचोक) for a couple of hours on the streets of Soho. A New York University student, she posed for my cameras on a l...