Monday, 7 November 2022

Cosplay or Goth?

I never asked "E" if what she wore was a Goth or Cosplay outfit as I was photographing her in Washington Square Park. I am more inclined to think it's the former, but she wore either very well.

To help me, I read on Wikipedia that Goth fashion is a clothing style marked by dark, mysterious, antiquated, homogenous, and often genderless features (though her outfit is definitely for a woman)...and the large white cross on her front and the small skulls on one of her gloves is much Goth-style than anything else. 

Meanwhile, Cosplay, a portmanteau of "costume play", is an activity and performance art in which participants wear costumes and fashion accessories to represent specific characters.

Larger photographs are here:

The Goth by Tewfic El-Sawy on on Exposure

Street Art Of Lisbon

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