Thursday, 18 June 2020

Flower Photography | Still Lifes

Taking a breather (a metaphor for not having to wear a face mask) from New York City to Long Island for a few days, and having the indulgence of a mature garden with colorful flora, gave me the opportunity to flex a visual muscle that was never used. After all, this is an eclectic blog showcasing many different styles and disciplines.

Still life photography is a genre of photography used for the depiction of inanimate subject matter, typically a small group of objects. It is the application of photography to the still life artistic style. 

So here are some of my floral photograph; made with minimal preparations. I used the ON1 2020 software to post process the images. 

Winter Light In SoHo

Winter Light In Soho by Tewfic El-Sawy on Exposure For a simple gallery: Winter light in Soho carries a distinct, cinematic quality, d...