Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Foundry Photojournalism Workshop: Scholarships!!!

Readers of The Travel Photographer Blog must be well aware of the forthcoming Foundry Photojournalism Workshop which will be held in Sarajevo from July 14-12, 2013. So if your dream is to be coached by some of the best photographers and photojournalists available, you'd be well advised to enroll at the earliest.

The list of confirmed instructors for the Sarajevo workshop consists of Andrea Bruce, Allison Morley, Maggie Steber, Thorne Anderson, James Whitlow Delano, Eros Hoagland, Kael Alford, Adriana Zehbrauskas, Paula Bronstein and Tewfic El-Sawy.

While there are no age restrictions for the workshop, students must have less than three years experience as a professional photographer. However, this restriction does NOT apply to regional photographers from Croatia, Bosnia-Hercegovina, Serbia, Albania, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Moldavia, Romania, Macedonia, Turkey, Syria, Egypt, Lebanon, Palestine, Cyprus. Anyone from one of these countries, regardless of experience, can attend.

There are a number of full and partial scholarships available, and the full details on how to apply and submit one's portfolio can be found on the Scholarships page. Don't delay since the deadline is set for March 1, 2013.


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