Saturday, 9 April 2011

Zite: An iPad App

Having noticed that a fair chunk of visits to The Travel Photographer blog come from a source, I looked it up and discovered that it's a free new iPad app called Zite, a personalized magazine that accurately targets your reading preferences.

I tried it yesterday, and I'm quite impressed with it. I chose Photography and Photojournalism as two of my sections on it, and it pulled out some interesting articles from a variety of source...including from The Travel Photographer blog. In fact, a bunch of my recent posts appear under both the Photography and Photojournalism sections...and this one will probably make it as well.

Here's a review on the Wall Street Journal.

ps. I have no connection with Zite. It's just an app that I happen to like.

Winter Light In SoHo

Winter Light In Soho by Tewfic El-Sawy on Exposure For a simple gallery: Winter light in Soho carries a distinct, cinematic quality, d...