Friday, 8 April 2011

Kickstart Trunk Magazine!

Trunk Magazine is a travel magazine that has launched its first issue in November 2010. While its founders are pursuing the capital required to sustain Trunk indefinitely, it requires funding to publish its next issue, Fall 2011, and needs help help to do so, and maintain the momentum of the first issue which is available through Barnes & Noble..

Kickstarter has listed it to expand its funding reach as widely as possible. It has a funding goal of $85,000 to reach by May 14, 2011.

I thought of giving Trunk some space of The Travel Photographer blog as it's a travel magazine, and should it publish successfully, it will provide an additional avenue for travel photographers to sell their work....and boy, do we need it! So if the concept appeals to you, drop by Trunk's Kickstarter page, and make your pledge.

David Cicconi is the founder, publisher, and creative director of Trunk. Previously, he was the photo director at Travel + Leisure.

Winter Light In SoHo

Winter Light In Soho by Tewfic El-Sawy on Exposure For a simple gallery: Winter light in Soho carries a distinct, cinematic quality, d...