Wednesday 29 March 2023

Amber | SoHo Is Hers

After having had to reschedule a couple of times, Amber and I met in SoHo for a photo session, which took place on one of my very favorite "studio": Crosby Street. The cobblestoned street is only six blocks long, starting at Houston to the north and ending at Howard Street, a street just north of Canal, to the south. The street was named for 19th century millionaire and philanthropist William Bedloe Crosby.

Amber is an aspiring model, and is a neuro researcher at one of the largest NYC universities. Neuro researchers design and carry out scientific experiments that contribute to the understanding of the nervous system and its functions.

For larger photographs:
Amber by Tewfic El-Sawy on Exposure

THE AI CORNER | The "Marilyn Monroe" Polaroids

  The MidJourney prompt is: "Create a realistic polaroid photograph of a pretty Asian woman, wearing a red dress with blonde hair style...