Thursday, 8 September 2022

Yurika | Born To Dance

It was my good fortune to connect with Yurika Ono, a professional dancer and dance student in NYC through a mutual social media platform, which allowed us to plan and schedule a photo session on Crosby street. It's my understanding that she trains/studies ensemble dance based on a broad spectrum of movement rooted in classical training.

Crosby street - which I describe as being in "East" Soho is ideal for this sort of photographic endeavor as there's less vehicular and foot traffic than the rest of Soho that teems with shoppers and pedestrians. It also has a combination of dark walls as useful backdrops, as well as colorful graffiti that I tend to favor.

For larger photographs, click on "See The Full Story":

Yurika by Tewfic El-Sawy on Exposure

And for a short clip for Yurika's dancing to the track of Salsa Trap by Calso:

Street Art Of Lisbon

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