Sunday 12 June 2022

Voigtlander 40mm | Fotodiox | ISKCON

During one of my "loops" around Washington Square Park some days ago, I met another photographer acquaintance using a Fuji GFX50R fitted with a Fotodiox adapter to accommodate a vintage lens...possibly a Voigtlander. A conversation ensued about it and as a result I remembered my own old Voigtlander 40mm f1.4 gathering dust since its unloved M9 "parent" was languishing unused due to sensor corrosion.

Faster than one can pronounce its name, I ordered and received the same Fotodiox adapter, which is impressively sturdy and very well built. Hearing there was an ISKCON hoopla in Washington Square Park, I took the combination of the GFX50R and the Fotodioxed Voigtlander for a spin, setting it on f8 to see what happens.

As an experiment, I thought the combination was promising. A few of the resulting frames were soft, but overall I wasn't disappointed. The Voigtlander glass has a special rendering that is -to my eyes- pleasing. Setting aside that the images had the expected vignetting, I look forward to experiment with the combo during a more static event....such as in an urban fashion setting.  Cropping to get rid of the vignetting is necessary, and perhaps I'll set the GFX50R on the 1:1 square image format which will resolve this.

POV | Netflix's Ripley | Monochrome Awakening

Inspector Pietro Ravini of the Rome Police (Netflix) I've been watching "Ripley", the recent Netflix which is a masterpiece of...