Friday, 3 July 2020

GFX50R Firmware | New Film Simulations

Photo © Tewfic El-Sawy | All Rights Reserved
I was glad to learn of Fujifilm's upgrade firmware for both the GFX50R and the GFX50S -both of which I own- and quickly installed it. 

The firmware includes many technical improvements which I have yet to test or experience, but for the time being I tried one of its new film simulations; the Classic Neg mode which simulates the color negative film traditionally chosen for "snapshots". I also quickly tried its “Eterna" mode, which replicates the colors and tonality of Fujifilm’s motion picture film...but I need to spend more time to determine if it's useful to my style of photography.

The other addition is the “Smooth Skin Effect” which is supposed to smooth the appearance of human skin, ideal for portraiture. Naturally, all these film simulations and additions are for JPEGs only.

Photo © Tewfic El-Sawy. [crop of above photo + vignetting]
During a walk in NYC's Chinatown, I used the Classic Ng simulation, and from the initial images that it'll be one that I use quite often. I don't often change film simulations, but it does look it's one I will mostly keep using. Some photographers compare it to the old Fuji analog film Superia. I've never used Superia, but I can believe it. 

The next one to experiment with is the "Eterna" simulation. It's aimed at movie-making, but it might be useful in still photography too.

 To be continued...


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