Monday, 8 June 2015

Hanoi | Bali (Foundry Photojournalism Workshop)

Well, it's the time of year again when I finalise travel plans to join the Foundry Photojournalism Workshop's faculty, as I have done since its inception in 2008 in Mexico City (with one exception, Sarajevo which I had to miss to other commitments). This time it will be held in Bali from July 19-25 and it promises to be another roaring success.

I shall teach "The Travel Documentary: Sound & Image"; a multimedia class that allows its participants to concentrate on the story, rather than on the application. The purpose and aim of the class is to show photographers how to make quick work of slide show production (rivaling in content and quality the more complicated processes), using their own images and audio generated in the field, to produce a cogent travel documentary under the simulation of publishing deadlines.

I plan to drop by Hanoi for a few days to do some further research into the practices of Hầu Đồng, and to add to my already existing inventory of images of these unusual ceremonies.

As my readers know, I am also working on what I hope will be an interesting photo book on Hầu Đồng and its mediums, whose cover will resemble the above tentative mock-up. It potentially could be printed in Hanoi, but it is still premature to determine the location of its production at this stage.

All this makes for an exciting summer 2015!


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