Monday, 21 January 2013

Colin Corneau I China

Photo © Colin Corneau-All Rights Reserved
So I'm returning to this blog's roots and raison d'ĂȘtre today by featuring the work of Colin Corneau, and specifically his photographic work of China, which he showcases in both color and monochrome.

His website will please those who -like me- appreciate images that fill up the real estate of large monitors. For instance, the image I feature on this post is truly spectacular in its large size....almost as if the viewer was actually in the same location as the monk and the prayer wheels.

Colin Corneau is a Manitoba based photographer who's interested in using photography to connect with, understand and convey other people. His interest is centered on – but not limited to – film-based, black-and-white photography. He has exhibited his photographs in shows at the Art Gallery of Southwestern Manitoba, Brandon University and galleries in Winnipeg and Edmonton.

You may also want to drop by his iPhone blog, C-this-C-that, on which he posts various photographs of daily life. You'll see he uses the new Hipstamatic Tinto 1884 filter as well.


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