Sunday, 30 September 2012

Dang Ke Cuong: Hoi An

Photo © Dang Ke Cuong-All Rights Reserved

I thought I'd feature the work of Hoi An based photographer Dang Ke Cuong, who specializes in scenes of Hoi An and its environs.

Whilst walking the streets of photogenic Hoi An, I saw some of my photo expedition group members in  Dang Ke Cuong's photography store-gallery. I joined in, and agreed with them that his photographs were admirable. I believe some were purchased by one of our group members.

I recall liking Dang's monochrome work, especially his environmental portraits and those made in the countryside of Hoi An.

Seeing his photographs of the Chinese fishing nets, Maika and I asked for Dang's assistance to set up a half day boat trip to do so, but unfortunately the previous days' storms had swelled the waters too high, and the fishermen were waiting for the water level to it couldn't be done.

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