Friday, 12 March 2010
Karim Sahai: India
Karim Sahai is a photographer and feature films digital visual effects based in Wellington, New Zealand. Born in Guadeloupe, he worked on blockbusters such as Avatar, The Chronicles of Narnia and The Lord of the Rings, among others.
I was hoping that his portfolio would include a wide variety of photographs from his birth country, but unfortunately he has only posted 5 images of Guadeloupe, a magnificent archipelago located in the eastern Caribbean Sea. Hopefully, more will be shown.
Winter Light In SoHo
Winter Light In Soho by Tewfic El-Sawy on Exposure For a simple gallery: Winter light in Soho carries a distinct, cinematic quality, d...
Chinatown 65:24 by Tewfic El-Sawy on Exposure I recently decided to experiment with the 65:24 aspect ratio option in my GFX50R (and fo...
Image Copyright © Phil Borges-All Rights Reserved Three years ago, Phil Borges partnered with the organization CARE to bring attention to th...