Wednesday, 9 September 2009
Mohit Gupta: Thankas
I mentioned that I would feature Mohit Gupta's multimedia project "Thankas" on TPP as soon as it was uploaded on his website, and I'm pleased that he has just made it available to us to appreciate on his newly completed website/blog.
Originally from Himachal Pradesh, Mohit is an independent photographer based in New Delhi, who specializes in travel and documentary photography. To Mohit, photography is a serious medium for expression. A self taught photographer, he is mainly interested in documenting culture, traditions, rituals and religion, and has traveled within South East Asia to do just that. He also works with NGOs and helps them documenting their work.
"Thankas" was Mohit's project while at the Foundry Photojournalism, where he attended my Introduction To Multimedia Storytelling class. It is a well-made audio slideshow, incorporating many techniques...including the flip-book technique to simulate motion from a number of sequential still photographs.
My previous post on Introduction To Multimedia Storytelling is here.
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