Saturday, 1 November 2008

My Show-Off: Black Hat Dancer

Photograph © Tewfic El-Sawy-All Rights Reserved

The Black Hat dance (Shana) is an important dance during the annual tsechus in Bhutan. These dances are also used in purification ceremonies during the construction of dzongs, temples, and chortens.

The Black Hat dancers (such as the one above, photographed at the tsechu held in Wangdue on October 2008), assume the role of yogis with the inherent power to subdue and create life. The dancers wear brocade robes, wide brimmed black hats and aprons with the face of a protective deity.

We spent at least a solid 3 hours photographing non-stop at this particular festival during my Land of Druk Yul photo-expedition.

For those interested in technical stuff: 180mm, f4.0, 1/500th, iso100. Click to enlarge.

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