Saturday, 2 February 2008

The Independent: Travel Photography

Image Copyright © Kal Khogali -All Rights Reserved

I usually read The Independent while in London, and it published today the results of a competition for the best travel photographs of 2007, as chosen jointly by Wanderlust magazine and The Independent.

The photographs appear in the Independent's Traveller supplement, printed on a newspaperish non-glossy paper, which doesn't help to enhance the quality of the winning submissions. Nevertheless, these are fine examples of travel photography which include Zoltan Balogh's powerful image of the Sziget Festival in Budapest, Helen Pugh-Cook's picture from the Yushu Horse Festival in eastern Tibet, Don Jacklin's photograph at the town of Shigatse, Howard Angus' monochrome photograph of Makarora, but my clear favorite was Kal Khogali's winning picture from Yangshuo in China (above).

Unfortunately, The Independent online prefers small images and elementary slideshows despite a recent make-over of its website, so the photographs are not as impressive as on the newsprint supplement. Why can't they buy a copy of Soundslides or a similar product?

The Independent's Winning Visions

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