Wednesday, 14 November 2007

Women News Network: White Shadows

Image © Tewfic El-Sawy-All Rights Reserved

I am privileged to have my photographic essay on the widows of Vrindavan featured on Women News Network.

The WNN feature is titled "Nothing to Go Back To” - The Fate of the Widows of Vrindavan, India", and has been released to over 500 UN agencies and affiliates via WUNRN.

WNN - Women News Network - uses the highest standard in journalism to bring in depth international women’s news not found in our current public media stream. Startingfrom a writing assignment to cover the UN Commission on the Status of Women in 2006, director Lys Anzia saw the vital need for media women to report the many times hard and suffering international stories of women. WNN stories have appeared on UN affiliate and agency publications through WUNRN - Women’s UN Report Network and UN-INSTRAW, the United Nations Institute of Training and Research for the Advancement of Women.

WNN's "Nothing to Go Back To” - The Fate of the Widows of Vrindavan"

WUNRN's Podcast of the feature


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