Wednesday 12 September 2007

LaCie Golden Disk

LaCie has just announced the Golden Disk, a 500 GB Hi-Speed USB 2.0 port (USB 1.1 compatible) hard-drive, in a distinctive, golden wave design. This cross-platform hard drive can be used with either PC or Mac computers. It’s plug & play, driver-free (Windows® 2000, Windows® XP & Mac® OS X), and fan-free for quiet operation. The price is $189.

I'm not sure who would want to have this designer golden hard drive on their desk, but it does look sleek...but sleek or utilitarian, gold or aluminum, all hard drives will fail at some back up all your precious files on alternative storage media.

Here's the LaCie's Golden Disk

AI Generated | The Women In Red

Prompts: Nostalgic photography, catalog pose full body front view, black haired Afro Asian woman wearing red shirt leaning back in chair ove...