Wednesday, 15 August 2007

Prashant Panjiar: 7 Years In India

Image Copyright © Prashant Panjiar/Time magazine-All Rights Reserved

Well, I've changed ISPs and so far it's working. So let me carpe the diem and post a superb feature by photographer Prashant Panjiar titled "Seven Years In India". The slideshow is elegantly produced by Time Magazine, and is narrated by Simon Robiinson and by Prasant himself.

I generally do not like mixing color photographs with black & white...and this is no exception. In this case however, the B&W photographs surpass those in least in my view. Something about the B&W photographs of India always have a certain texture to them...a tactility that colors don't have. Is it perhaps because the vibrant colors of India just overwhelm the senses?

Seven Years In India's slideshow

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