Monday, 27 August 2007

James Pomerantz: Congo

Image Copyright © James Pomerantz-All Rights Reserved

James Pomerantz grew up in London and New York, and his biography says that he "stumbled' into photography before graduating from New York City's Columbia University with a major in mathematics and philosophy. His work appeared in major publications such as the New York Times, US News & World Report and the Figaro among a long list.

Out of his many galleries, I hesitated between his extraordinary work in Azerbijan and his moving photographs from the Congo.... I chose the latter. He photographed in Sud Kivu in the Democratic Republic of Congo, where the worst atrocities were committed during its long war. Remarkably moving and disturbing work.

It's a good thing that James Pomerantz "stumbled" into photography.

James Pomerantz Photography.

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