Saturday, 5 May 2007

Angkor Photography Festival: Update!

From Widows of Angkor Wat-Copyright Tewfic El-Sawy

I've received the following message from Francoise Callier, the curator of the Third Angkor Photography Festival:

The third Angkor Photography Festival will be held in Siem Reap, Cambodia, from November 18 to 28, 2007.

For the program of exhibitions and slideshows, we are looking for work about South and Southeast Asia, China, and the Far East. To facilitate the selection committee's job, work should be uploaded to a (free) flickr account on and the URL sent to my e-mail address, frcallier989(at)gmail(dot)com, accompanied by a clear description of the project and a short biography (maximum 120 words).

We are also accepting finished photographic multi-media pieces that are ready for projection. If available online, please submit a URL link.

The deadline for submitting work is June 15, 2007. The selected photographers will receive an answer during the month of July.

Best regards,

Franc�oise Callier

Instructions to open a flickr account:
To open a free Flickr account you can either go directly to or login with an existing Yahoo account (Flickr is part of Yahoo).

Upload your images at 1024 pixels across or vertical. That way your images will be large enough to view and you will not use up your limited account space.

After you upload: In your preferences (under the menu as 'Your Account'), go to the 'Privacy & Permissions' section and be sure to set your images to 'All rights reserved'. You can also add (c) in your captions field. Flickr will automatically add any caption info from your Photoshop 'File Info' field but you can also change captions after you upload by going to your Flickr page and clicking on the caption box under any given image.

Once your images are uploaded go to the 'organize' section, choose 'Sets' and create a set of images of your submissions. Once that set is created, email the URL of that set (simply copy and paste) to frcallie (at) gmail(dot) com.

After you have opened an account, visit the Angkor Photo Festival flickr page at

click on our icon and make the festival a contact.
Francoise Callier
frcallie (at) gmail(dot) com

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