Thursday, 1 March 2007

Audio: Soundtracks

I use the M-Audio Microtrack 24/96 to record either interviews or ambient sound from the field, to soundtrack any slideshows I plan on doing on my return. Although I've used commercial CDs or mp3 downloads to also add music to some of these soundtracks, I found them to lack authenticity and sound 'too canned'.

So here's a tip: Bring along a cheap transistor radio bought from Radio Shack -or even better, from wherever you're'll be cheaper- and tune in to local stations until you hear typical/traditional music or songs you feel are appropriate to accompany your slideshow, press the record button on your audio recorder and you've got yourself an authentic musical soundtrack that is most probably not available commercially here! And if you're documenting a political event, a snippet of local news would add aural 'authenticity' to your photo project.

Street Art Of Lisbon

Lisbon is an open-air gallery, not just for its beautiful tile-covered façades and the traditional cobblestone designs, but also for its str...