Sunday, 6 April 2008
Adobe Lightroom 2.0 Beta
I'm a Luddite when it comes to imaging software, and in justification I have to say that I don't spend much time fiddling with my images. While I certainly use Adobe's Photoshop to prep my images before displaying, printing or selling them, I seldom use its more advanced tools. I decided to leave these to people better qualified than I am.
However, I decided to give Adobe Lightroom 2.0 (Beta) a try, and downloaded its trial. Having no patience to read manuals or tutorials, I just took a plunge and I must say that it's one heck of a program! As I haven't used its predecessor, I can't make any comparisons (my friend Gavin Gough did on his blog) nor can I add anything that hasn't been written or said since it was released. I currently use iView for digital asset management, but Lightroom is sorely tempting me to switch.
To my utter delight, I am creating Flash-based slideshows with Lightroom with incredible ease...and just can't stop!
The Steam Plumes of NYC
The corner of Canal Street and Sixth Avenue has a couple of large smokestacks (aka steam stacks) installed by Co-Edison to direct steam. T...
Chinatown 65:24 by Tewfic El-Sawy on Exposure I recently decided to experiment with the 65:24 aspect ratio option in my GFX50R (and fo...
Image Copyright © Phil Borges-All Rights Reserved Three years ago, Phil Borges partnered with the organization CARE to bring attention to th...