Sunday 10 February 2013

Global Post | The Year Of The Snake

Photo © Hoang Dinh Nam - AFP/Getty Images


The Year of the Snake starts from Feb. 10, 2013 and lasts to Jan. 30, 2014...and some Chinese traditional astrologers expect some political turbulence during the year, since in Chinese mythology, snakes were often associated with monsters, or with incarnations of monsters. Others believe that much-needed liquidity will be injected into struggling world economies, and that babies born over the next 12 months will be agile.

In China, an estimated 200 million people have already traveled to be with their families in what is considered the biggest mass human migration on Earth. And for another staggering number, it's estimated that more than one billion people worldwide celebrate Lunar New Year.

Global Post's PlanetPic is one of the first photo blogs to feature photographs of this celebration.

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