Tuesday, 12 October 2010
Storyboard Doodles
Planning a multimedia photo essay or audio slideshow needs a sort of bird's eye view of the project as a whole, and that's what storyboards are essentially supposed to do. Storyboards help to pre-visualizing the photo essay's sequencing, and act as blueprints for the project.
The above photo shows my rather elementary storyboard for one my recent Bali audio slideshow Ngaben: Cremation Ceremony, which has the sequencing of images and audio clips, timing, etc.
Naturally, it would have been more professional/efficient to use a proper storyboard template downloaded from the web, but where's the fun in that!?
The Steam Plumes of NYC
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Image Copyright © Phil Borges-All Rights Reserved Three years ago, Phil Borges partnered with the organization CARE to bring attention to th...