The scholarships are from The Travel Photographer and REDUX Pictures.

The terms and conditions of The Travel Photographer scholarship are:
1. Full scholarship of $450 for a South Asian photojournalists. (South Asian countries include India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Afghanistan, and Tibet.)
2. Partial scholarship of $450 for a photojournalist of any nationality.
3. The scholarships are only available to photojournalists who have 5 years or less of full or part-time work experience.
4. To apply for The Travel Photographer’s scholarships, email 5 of your photographs to fpw_ttp at yahoo dot com with your email header “FPW-TTP scholarship”, including a short biography and a brief statement as to what your work objectives are. The photographs should be no more that 500 pixels on their long side and a resolution of 72 pixels/inch.
5. The application process starts on February 3 and closes on April 3, 2009. The two winners will be announced on April 15, 2009.

The REDUX Pictures scholarship covers tuition for two photojournalists (one South Asian, one from anywhere else).
Eligibility: Any photographer in the first 5 years of their career (no matter their age) or, if South Asian, any photographer (no limit on time spent in field).
How to Apply:
Send an email with the following EXACTLY AS SPECIFIED BELOW:
1. subject line- your name and the words “Redux Scholarship” in the subject line.
2. A LINK to 30 of your images, either singles or a cohesive photo-story/essay
(do NOT attach the photos or send them in the body of the email).
3. One to two paragraphs about your photography background, career goals and international ambitions in the photojournalism field.
4. The deadline for submissions is February 28. Winners announced March 15, 2009.
Email all of the above to: foundryphotoworkshop at hotmail dot com