Wednesday, 3 September 2008

Charlie Mahoney: Ancestral Calling

Photograph Charlie Mahoney-All Rights Reserved

Here's a wonderful portfolio of images by Charlie Mahoney, with the evocative title of Ancestral Calling. (Click on Portfolios).

Bob and Dan O'Mahony are Charlie's great-uncles, who live in a farmhouse called Bawnea Kilbritain, outside Kinsale, County Cork in Ireland. I gather that Charlies spent a few days with them, researching his family's roots.

Many of us have similar ancestral callings, and ought to answer them. Charlie tells me that this photo essay may not have marketability potential...but who cares? I think that reconnecting with one's ancestors, roots and origins is infinitely more important.

The photographs in this gallery are just superbly composed, and the Irish light is perfect. It would've been an added bonus had the gallery included audio, as nothing sounds like rich Irish brogue!

A previous post on Charlie Mahoney: (Link)

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